2022 Firecracker Classic Wintrust Logo

Tee it up at one of the best golf outings of the season! The 29th Annual Firecracker Classic Golf Outing will be held Friday, June 2oth, 2024, at The Glen Club. This important and time-honored fundraising event has supported many notable contributions that enhance our Park District’s recreation services, programs, and facilities to provide healthy recreational events for the Glenview community. A great opportunity to enjoy a fun day with your friends at the exclusive Glen Club while supporting the work of the Glenview Park Foundation. The Foundation provides much needed funds for the Park District’s Leisureship Financial Assistance Program. These funds allow children from families with limited means to participate in Park District programs.

Entry fee is $375 per golfer. Great sponsorship opportunities are also available at various levels. The generosity of our golfers and sponsors make all of this happen! Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Throughout the day, golfers will have the opportunity to participate in on course competitions, fundraising games, golf, and more.

  • 50/50 Raffle tickets
    1 for $5
    3 for $10
    Arm’s length for $25
  • Gambling Hole featuring Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. for $10
  • Buy the Drive featuring Mike Gilligan, Senior Managing Director Business Development, Chicago District Golf Association for $20


7:00 a.m.
Check In
Practice Range Open
Breakfast Served

8:00 a.m.

8:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
18-hole Scramble
On-Course activities

1:30 p.m.
Live / Silent Auction
Awards Ceremony

50/50 Winner Announced
Closing Remarks

Thank You to Our Sponsors


Glenview Bank & Trust Logo


Firecracker Classic

Picture 1 of 18


Be a Sponsor

The Ace ($2,500)

  • Premier Sponsorship Package
  • Organization promoted throughout event with prominent signage, event literature and awards reception
  • Includes One Hole Sponsorship
  • Recognition on the Glenview Park Foundation Website and Glenview Park District fall brochure.

The Eagle ($1,000)

  • Deluxe Sponsorship Package
  • Organization signage at event entrance and awards reception
  • Includes One Hole Sponsorship
  • Recognition in event literature, awards reception and Glenview Park District fall brochure

The Birdie ($500)

  • Executive Sponsorship Package
  • Great tool to promote your organization
  • Includes one hole sponsorship
  • Recognition in all event literature and at the awards reception

The Par ($200)

  • Includes One Hole Sponsorship

Great opportunities are available to be a Lunch, Beer Cart or Awards Reception Sponsor. To learn more please contact:

Ron Cassidy, Director of Golf
(224) 521-2206 | Ron.Cassidy@glenviewparks.org